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Change in Email and user ID policy
Автор admin Запрос 44,370 Дата публикации 2013-04-04 14:14
Hello, this is Iplehouse.

Today we want to inform you some of the changes made with moving to new English site. In case of our new site, it shares one database with three other sites (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) so you cannot use same Email or user ID in different sites. So if you have made more than one user ID with same Email, we will delete them and leave only one user ID. We will keep user ID which was most frequently used or one that belongs to your address. If you haven’t bought anything yet, or both of them was used similarly we will keep one which was made most recently.

Also some of the user ID already exists in Korean or Chinese site. If it is a same person, we will leave only one user ID and delete rest of them. We will keep it in the site which you used most frequently. For instance, in case of old site you was able to create two same ID in both English and Chinese site. But now you have to choose one site you use more frequently. If you cannot log in to our new English site, it is most likely that your ID already exist in our Korean or Chinese site. This case please leaves a message in Q&A board and we will transfer your order history and points to your new account. Also please let us know if you have already registered in another ID so we can transfer your data.

Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day!

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